Notifies you if your sensitive data is leaked on the dark web
Secures all your online transactions from frauds.
Protects you from phishing link scams.
Alerts you if your screen is being shared, while on a call.
Alerts you when your calls are being redirected.
Alerts you on detecting a fraud app.
Assess your risk level with actionable steps to reduce exposure to fraud
Alerts you when a call may potentially lead to fraud
Helps protect your close ones from banking frauds.
Alerts you on receiving a potentially fraudulent call.
Alerts you when an app uses Mic/Cam while the device is not in use.
Product prices, offers and availability are subject to change from time to time. All prices are inclusive of taxes. Product colours & images are only for illustration and they may not exactly match with the actual product. Product specs are subject to change & may vary from actual product. While every care is taken to avoid inaccuracies in content, these are provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
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